Feather Fast 3oz

Aves Canada


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                                             FEATHER FAST
FEATHER FAST is a dietary supplement of high potency vitamin, mineral, amino acid and concentrated protein designed to aid and promote successful moults in all birds. FEATHER FAST provides a broad spectrum of nutrients necessary to produce vibrant, brightly colored, healthy feathers in all birds.
One pinch per bird per day during the moult, OR one level teaspoon (5ml) per day on fruit, vegetables, soaked seed or softfood for 20 pair of finches, 10 pair or cockatiels, or 6 pair of greys. FEATHER FAST works best in combination with Morning Bird’s CALCIUM PLUS. When using this product, discontinue using any other vitamin-containing supplement.
Keep container closed before and after use. This product is free of pesticides. Store in a cool, dry place.

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